About The PeterFiles

The PeterFiles web site is a non-commercial (truly), personal idiosyncratic effort originating from my obsession with male masturbation and female guidance thereof. In addition to providing a home for the PeterFiles fantasy series, I hope that those gentlemen who share my masturbatory addiction and those ladies with interest in male masturbation will find value here. However, before proceeding further, please see Warning to Satire-Impaired Readers

The PeterFiles intends to be a resource for men and women to explore masturbatory addiction in the human male -- especially in its more chronic and compulsive manifestations -- and the role for female guidance in its treatment.

Chronic masturbation is perhaps one of the major social and personal challenges facing males today. Once in the grip of masturbatory addiction, it is virtually impossible for the male to free himself from the habit. If left unchecked, it can and often does take over his life, leading to loss of esteem, career achievement, social ties, and family well being. At PeterFiles we assume that masturbatory addiction in the adult male is almost always irreversible and incurable. However, the addicted male, with the help of his partner, should nonetheless work to control its more compulsive and vicious excesses.

As a life-long practitioner of masturbation, I understand the conflict and anxiety about this practice. I have often felt that I do it "too much" and tried to stop but always fall back into unrestrained of indulgence. To help others struggling with their uncontrollable urges I offer the PeterFiles website. Here you will find a wide range of articles, fiction, and graphic art dealing with the subject of male masturbation. The examples of other chronic masturbators and the consequences of untreated masturbatory addiction should help focus the will.

If you are personally dealing with the issue of masturbation addiction, I invite you to consider Masturbator Phone Support

The emphasis here is on the masturbator under the guidance of females, because it is only under female guidance that the male has any hope of escaping utter degradation and ruin. It is strongly advised that each masturbator bring this site to the attention of a female of strong character and submit himself  to her wiser guidance.

PeterFiles topics include 

See the blogs and discussion groups we offer in support of chronic masturbators and their partners.

For comments and questions, see How to Contact the Webmasturbator